LED Uplighting RGB Color Chart
brown |
rgb(65%, 16%, 16%) |
orange |
rgb(80%, 20%, 20%) |
strawberry |
rgb(75%, 15%, 15%) |
firebrick |
rgb(70%, 13%, 13%) |
firebrick3 |
rgb(80%, 15%, 15%) |
brown madder |
rgb(86%, 16%, 16%) |
lightcoral |
rgb(94%, 50%, 50%) |
indianred2 |
rgb(93%, 39%, 39%) |
brown2 |
rgb(93%, 23%, 23%) |
firebrick2 |
rgb(93%, 17%, 17%) |
red3 |
rgb(80%, 0%, 0%) |
red2 |
rgb(93%, 0%, 0%) |
red1 |
rgb(100%, 0%, 0%) |
firebrick1 |
rgb(100%, 19%, 19%) |
orangered4 |
rgb(100%, 25%, 25%) |
indianred1 |
rgb(100%, 42%, 42%) |
rosybrown1 |
rgb(100%, 76%, 76%) |
flatpink |
rgb(100%, 80%, 80%) |
watermelon pulp |
rgb(95%, 28%, 25%) |
cadmium red deep |
rgb(89%, 9%, 5%) |
gummi red |
rgb(99%, 8%, 0%) |
blood orange |
rgb(80%, 7%, 0%) |
salmon |
rgb(98%, 50%, 45%) |
mistyrose |
rgb(100%, 89%, 88%) |
orange red |
rgb(100%, 14%, 0%) |
safety cone |
rgb(100%, 33%, 20%) |
tomato |
rgb(100%, 39%, 28%) |
nectarine |
rgb(100%, 20%, 0%) |
salmon1 |
rgb(100%, 55%, 41%) |
fleshochre |
rgb(100%, 34%, 13%) |
orange red 3 |
rgb(80%, 22%, 0%) |
orange red 2 |
rgb(93%, 25%, 0%) |
orange red |
rgb(100%, 27%, 0%) |
coral |
rgb(100%, 50%, 31%) |
light salmon |
rgb(100%, 63%, 48%) |
orange crush |
rgb(97%, 46%, 19%) |
apricot |
rgb(98%, 63%, 42%) |
cadmium orange |
rgb(100%, 38%, 1%) |
tangerine |
rgb(100%, 45%, 9%) |
desert sand |
rgb(100%, 91%, 84%) |
darkorange |
rgb(100%, 55%, 0%) |
burly wood 1 |
rgb(100%, 83%, 61%) |
peach |
rgb(100%, 94%, 86%) |
orange |
rgb(100%, 65%, 0%) |
wheat1 |
rgb(100%, 91%, 73%) |
gold7 |
rgb(100%, 67%, 0%) |
cadmium yellow light |
rgb(100%, 69%, 6%) |
dark goldenrod 2 |
rgb(93%, 68%, 5%) |
goldenrod 1 |
rgb(100%, 76%, 15%) |
semisweet chocolate 2 |
rgb(90%, 71%, 15%) |
golden delicious apple |
rgb(93%, 80%, 38%) |
beer |
rgb(90%, 74%, 23%) |
bartlett pear |
rgb(80%, 67%, 18%) |
mustard |
rgb(100%, 80%, 7%) |
sign yellow |
rgb(99%, 82%, 9%) |
buttermilk |
rgb(100%, 95%, 71%) |
pineapple |
rgb(99%, 86%, 23%) |
light goldenrod 1 |
rgb(100%, 93%, 55%) |
light goldenrod |
rgb(93%, 87%, 51%) |
gold3 |
rgb(80%, 68%, 0%) |
gold2 |
rgb(93%, 79%, 0%) |
gold |
rgb(100%, 84%, 0%) |
cadmium lemon |
rgb(100%, 89%, 1%) |
khaki |
rgb(94%, 90%, 55%) |
corn |
rgb(98%, 93%, 36%) |
yolk |
rgb(100%, 90%, 0%) |
lemon chiffon |
rgb(100%, 98%, 80%) |
pale golden rod |
rgb(93%, 91%, 67%) |
khaki2 |
rgb(93%, 90%, 52%) |
khaki1 |
rgb(100%, 96%, 56%) |
coconut |
rgb(100%, 99%, 81%) |
yellow2 |
rgb(93%, 93%, 0%) |
yellow1 |
rgb(100%, 100%, 0%) |
papaya |
rgb(100%, 100%, 49%) |
popcorn yellow |
rgb(100%, 100%, 67%) |
bone |
rgb(100%, 100%, 80%) |
light yellow |
rgb(100%, 100%, 88%) |
soylent yellow |
rgb(96%, 97%, 46%) |
pear |
rgb(82%, 89%, 19%) |
safety vest |
rgb(78%, 96%, 15%) |
goldgreen |
rgb(67%, 87%, 0%) |
chartreuse verte |
rgb(74%, 91%, 22%) |
lime pulp |
rgb(83%, 93%, 57%) |
cat eye |
rgb(75%, 90%, 33%) |
jolly green |
rgb(61%, 80%, 10%) |
chrome |
rgb(91%, 95%, 83%) |
olive drab 1 |
rgb(75%, 100%, 24%) |
melon rind green |
rgb(87%, 100%, 65%) |
dark olive green 2 |
rgb(74%, 93%, 41%) |
dark olive green 1 |
rgb(79%, 100%, 44%) |
green yellow |
rgb(68%, 100%, 18%) |
chartreuse 2 |
rgb(46%, 93%, 0%) |
lawngreen |
rgb(49%, 99%, 0%) |
dark seagreen 2 |
rgb(71%, 93%, 71%) |
light green |
rgb(56%, 93%, 56%) |
pale green |
rgb(60%, 98%, 60%) |
lime |
rgb(0%, 100%, 0%) |
parrot green |
rgb(20%, 100%, 20%) |
wasabi |
rgb(40%, 100%, 40%) |
pale green 1 |
rgb(60%, 100%, 60%) |
dark sea green 1 |
rgb(76%, 100%, 76%) |
off white green |
rgb(80%, 100%, 80%) |
honeydew |
rgb(94%, 100%, 94%) |
spring green |
rgb(0%, 100%, 20%) |
seagreen 1 |
rgb(33%, 100%, 62%) |
green card |
rgb(82%, 98%, 93%) |
electric turquoise |
rgb(29%, 91%, 74%) |
turquoise |
rgb(6%, 87%, 69%) |
liberty |
rgb(64%, 86%, 82%) |
light teal |
rgb(0%, 100%, 80%) |
mint blue |
rgb(86%, 100%, 97%) |
blue ice |
rgb(85%, 96%, 94%) |
pacific green |
rgb(21%, 86%, 79%) |
turquoise |
rgb(25%, 88%, 82%) |
cool mint |
rgb(56%, 100%, 98%) |
dark slate gray 2 |
rgb(55%, 93%, 93%) |
metallic mint |
rgb(22%, 99%, 99%) |
cyan 2 |
rgb(0%, 93%, 93%) |
aqua |
rgb(0%, 100%, 100%) |
pale turquoise 1 |
rgb(73%, 100%, 100%) |
light cyan |
rgb(88%, 100%, 100%) |
turquoise 2 |
rgb(0%, 90%, 93%) |
turquoise 1 |
rgb(0%, 96%, 100%) |
swimming pool |
rgb(40%, 90%, 93%) |
teal LED |
rgb(2%, 93%, 100%) |
cadet blue 1 |
rgb(60%, 96%, 100%) |
surf |
rgb(39%, 82%, 96%) |
light blue 1 |
rgb(75%, 94%, 100%) |
police strobe |
rgb(4%, 71%, 100%) |
caribbean |
rgb(26%, 75%, 98%) |
light skyblue 2 |
rgb(64%, 83%, 93%) |
blue mist |
rgb(51%, 81%, 99%) |
neon blue |
rgb(40%, 78%, 100%) |
light skyblue 1 |
rgb(69%, 89%, 100%) |
light skyblue |
rgb(53%, 81%, 98%) |
steel blue 1 |
rgb(39%, 72%, 100%) |
blue ice |
rgb(45%, 73%, 98%) |
slate blue |
rgb(0%, 50%, 100%) |
slate gray 1 |
rgb(78%, 89%, 100%) |
forget me nots |
rgb(49%, 71%, 100%) |
natural gas |
rgb(36%, 56%, 96%) |
ulysses butterfly |
rgb(8%, 39%, 96%) |
ty nant |
rgb(0%, 28%, 98%) |
cichlid |
rgb(0%, 24%, 100%) |
lavender |
rgb(90%, 90%, 98%) |
blue1 |
rgb(0%, 0%, 100%) |
neon blue |
rgb(30%, 30%, 100%) |
periwinkle |
rgb(67%, 67%, 100%) |
off white blue |
rgb(80%, 80%, 100%) |
ghost white |
rgb(97%, 97%, 100%) |
corn flower |
rgb(20%, 0%, 100%) |
medium purple 1 |
rgb(67%, 51%, 100%) |
blue safe |
rgb(40%, 0%, 100%) |
medium slate blue 2 |
rgb(50%, 0%, 100%) |
purple1 |
rgb(61%, 19%, 100%) |
violet flower |
rgb(75%, 37%, 100%) |
dark orchid |
rgb(60%, 20%, 80%) |
purple 6 |
rgb(67%, 0%, 100%) |
dark violet |
rgb(58%, 0%, 83%) |
grape |
rgb(80%, 0%, 100%) |
medium orchid 1 |
rgb(88%, 40%, 100%) |
plum |
rgb(87%, 63%, 87%) |
orchid |
rgb(86%, 44%, 86%) |
plum2 |
rgb(93%, 68%, 93%) |
violet |
rgb(93%, 51%, 93%) |
magenta3 |
rgb(80%, 0%, 80%) |
magenta2 |
rgb(93%, 0%, 93%) |
fuchsia |
rgb(100%, 0%, 100%) |
plum1 |
rgb(100%, 73%, 100%) |
thistle1 |
rgb(100%, 88%, 100%) |
orchid1 |
rgb(100%, 51%, 98%) |
rose |
rgb(100%, 0%, 80%) |
fuchsia2 |
rgb(100%, 0%, 67%) |
maroon1 |
rgb(100%, 20%, 70%) |
hotpink |
rgb(100%, 41%, 71%) |
violetred1 |
rgb(100%, 24%, 59%) |
broadwaypink |
rgb(100%, 0%, 40%) |
pink shell |
rgb(96%, 80%, 85%) |
palevioletred1 |
rgb(100%, 51%, 67%) |
lavenderblush |
rgb(100%, 94%, 96%) |
pink1 |
rgb(100%, 71%, 77%) |
bright red |
rgb(100%, 0%, 20%) |
pomegranate |
rgb(96%, 30%, 33%) |
cadmiumredlight |
rgb(100%, 1%, 5%) |
* Pricing and packages are subject to change without notice.
**Prices and packages will not change if already booked with Ewing's Mobile DJ Service.
*** Prices do not include transaction fees (when paying by credit card), Options (add on) and travel charges where applicable.
****Customer or Ewing's Mobile DJ Service is under no obligation to book any event.
Event is not booked until contract is confirmed, signed by client(s) involved and accepted by Ewing's Mobile DJ Service.